Our firm in cooperation with its preferred service providers can provide the following services:
- Accounting books and records keeping as per International Financial Reporting Standards
- Assistance in the setting up of computerized accounting systems at client’s premises
- Registration to the Income Tax and Social Insurance
- Registration to the VAT, VIES and INTRASTAT
- Preparation and submission of Income Tax declarations, VAT, VIES, INTRASTAT returns and Social Insurance forms to the related Government Department
- Communication with the tax office and statistical office Central Bank of Cyprus and other governmental institutions handling company affairs
- Preparation of monthly, quarterly, six monthly and yearly financial reporting on company’s performance for management reporting purposes
- Preparation of management financial statements
- Payroll services
- HR and social security services
- Mail forwarding, mailbox, telephone and fax services
- Email forwarding and website
- Audit of financial statements
- Financial Due Diligence
Preferred service providers of our firm include professional accounting and audit firms, members of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of the UK (ACCA) and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC).